Scaffolders Tax Rebate Guide

There’s a good chance that if you’re working as a Scaffolder you could be owed a tax refund.

It doesn’t matter if you’re working under PAYE or if you are self employed under CIS, you can still be eligible. With claims being backdated for the last four tax years many Scaffolders are owed hundreds sometimes thousands of pounds.

What expenses can a Scaffolder claim for?

We have listed below many of the most common expenses a scaffolder can claim a tax rebate for:

Think about how many of these things apply to your personal working life and this isn’t an exhaustive list.

The final rebate amount is unique to each person but it runs to hundreds, sometimes thousands, of pounds per tax year.

Extra good news… a claim can be backdated over the last four tax years.

If you don’t claim your tax rebate you will miss out

The tax office need to be told about your expenses and won’t automatically reimburse you.

If you haven’t claimed before you should act to find out if you are entitled sooner rather than later because deadlines do apply.

How do I claim my Scaffolders tax rebate?

HMRC need you to follow a fixed process by completing a P87 form or a self assessment tax return.

The P87 can be completed online or posted and should be submitted if your claim is worth under £2500.

For claims of £2500 or more a self assessment tax return will generally have to be completed and typically submitted online.

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