Are you claiming your ASCL Tax Rebate?

As a member of the Association of School and College Leaders, you are entitled to claim tax relief on 85% of your subscription fee.

And that’s not all…

Whether you are a college, school or system leader, you probably spend money on things that you may not even recognise as a work expense during the course of your working day. HMRC consider the following items allowable for tax relief:

  • Travel – in your own vehicle to temporary work locations; such as visiting different schools you are responsible for within your cluster.
  • Specialist clothing – buying and washing items such as laboratory coat or PE kit.
  • Professional organisations – not just the ASCL, many professional bodies and journals have an agreement with HMRC which allows their subscribers to claim tax relief on their fee
  • Trade Union membership.
  • Working from home if remote working is a contractual expectation.

How to claim your ASCL tax relief

If you think you’re eligible you need to submit a claim to the tax office via their online form or by correspondence through the post. It takes the tax office about eight to twelve weeks to respond with confirmation. An HMRC support phone number is available if you need to speak to someone.

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