Teacher Specialist Clothing Tax Rebate

Many teachers will have to pay for their own specialist clothing to fulfil their contractual duties.

For example P.E teachers will need to buy sports kit and Science teachers a lab coat and protective goggles.

Because the cost is rarely reimbursed by the employer you could be left out of pocket to the value of thousands of pounds over the course of your career.

The tax office recognises that teachers often need to buy their specialist clothing for work. To allow the tax relief they need you to make a claim so you don’t miss out.

What you need claim for protective clothing

A claim is still possible although more difficult, if receipts are not available due to being unaware that such tax relief was available. Any future claim will need to be supported by receipts so start keeping them from now on.

Can I claim for anything else?

A laundering allowance should also be available as part of the upkeep of the specialist clothing as long as you are not supplied washing facilities by your employer. A claim can be made retrospectively for the last four tax years (worth £60 per year).

At the same time a teacher tax rebate can be claimed for professional/ Union fees, using your own car for work purposes and if you’re contractually obliged to use your own home for work purposes.

How to claim for your specialist clothing

Your claim needs to be submitted to HMRC documenting your costs in each specific tax year. This can be done via post and online. The tax office may ask to see receipts for the costs you have stated in your claim. It typically can take up to 12 weeks to receive a reply in writing from HMRC which will confirm if you are due a tax rebate or ask you for more information.

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