How long does a tax rebate claim take?

The length of time it takes for a tax rebate to be paid out is set by the tax office, and usually depends on the type of claim you’re making.

This is simply because the tax office will need to spend more time on some of the more complicated claims.

As we’re a leading UK tax rebate service, we have lots of experience in dealing with every different type of claim, and whilst we can’t offer any guarantees, the table below provides a rough timescale of some of the more popular tax rebate claims.

Tax Rebate Claims Average Timescales

Please note that a tax rebate can be repaid sooner than the suggested time-frames above, but can also take longer due to reasons beyond our control.

HMRC Delays

The most likely reasons a tax rebate claim can take longer than expected are:

  • Delays at HMRC are common at certain times of the tax year, particularly around the Self Assessment deadline on the 31st of January, and the end of the tax year on the 5th of April.
  • A claim needs to be seen by an inspector of taxes.
  • Records are missing, such as a P45 or a P60. This means that the missing information has to be provided, and then sent to HMRC to update their records before repaying any tax rebate owed.

Ways to speed up your tax rebate claim

Using an agent like Tax Rebate Services usually helps to speed up the process. Using Tax Rebate Services means you can benefit from:

  • The knowledge of how to submit exactly what the tax office needs first time, to avoid questions and requests for further information.
  • Dedicated agent helplines to track each claim quickly.
  • Access to agent account managers to manage any tax office mistakes in the quickest time possible.

Tax free personal allowances

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