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Can UNITE Members claim Tax Relief?

There are lots of reasons why UNITE members like yourself can reclaim tax relief on work related expenses.

What tax relief can UNITE members claim for?

Unfortunately there is no general agreement between Unite and the Tax Office which would mean that you could reclaim tax relief on your Unite membership fees.

However members of the Community Practitioners and Health Visitors’ Association (CPHVA) and Hospital Physicists Association (HPA) have a specific arrangement in place allowing for tax relief to be claimed.

Many other unions such as the NUT have organised this for their members and it is a welcome ‘little bit extra’ in the pay packet. This could change in the future if such an agreement is reached. Keep your eye on our news page and we’ll let you know if we hear anything!

UNITE members tax rebates

With 1.4 million UNITE members working in a variety of jobs, most of which involve some kind of work expenses that you have to pay yourself. So, whether you work on an oil refinery, the Holiday Inn, Rolls Royce or in an NHS hospital, we can help you claim everything you are entitled to.

Here are just some of the most common claims for Unite members;

If you think any of these  apply to you, or you’re just not sure, you should find out more. If you don’t you could miss out on your money which is currently sat in the Tax Office coffers.

How do UNITE members make a tax rebate claim?

UNITE members can make a claim directly with HMRC to ensure all of the income tax you are owed is refunded.

You can start your claim by submitting a P87 form either online or by post. If you submit a self assessment tax return already (or your tax rebate is worth £2500 or more in any one tax year) you will need to include your work expenses claim on your tax return in the relevant employment section of your return.


Tony Shanks

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