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TRS Money for the self employed

Are you self employed?

You can find clear answers to your many questions in our TRS Money section for the Self Employed.

According to the House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee Report on ‘Self employment and the gig economy’ (2016-17):

“The self-employed are a large and growing part of the UK labour force. Five million people—15% of worker are now self-employed, and the expansion of self-employment has played a significant part in current record employment levels. New technology has facilitated the growth of the “gig economy”, which has led to a large number of positive developments and opportunities, as well as continuing to alter the nature of work in many sectors.”

There are great opportunities for self employment in the UK, but there are also a lot of financial factors that you need to get right. The government provides all this information online and it is perfectly acceptable to tackle most of the required paperwork yourself.

What you get with TRS money self employed

The TRS Money Self employed guide gives you the straightforward answers you need. It is subdivided into different parts so that you can go directly to the information you are looking for. These include:

This is not a one-off static page. We will be continuously adding any new information and extra top tips. We have our eye on any government changes and will translate their policy speak into normal English, so you don’t have to. The more knowledge you have, the more prepared you are for business success, and we save you valuable searching time by having all the answers you need in one place.



Tony Shanks

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