ICON Tax Rebates

Just being a member of The Institute of Conservation shows your dedication to conserving our amazing cultural heritage.

As an amalgamation of several other bodies and an organisation that welcomes all conservators and supporters you represent a broad spectrum of different professionals.

Each one of you is entitled to reclaim tax relief on your ICON fees!

And that’s not all!

ICON members tax rebates

Whether you are a technician, curator, educator, engineer or scientist, here is a list of the most common tax reliefs you could be entitled to:

  • Using your own home to work from.
  • Washing your own work uniform or protective clothing for work t
  • Purchasing tools or equipment for use at work.
  • Fees paid to other professional bodies, subscriptions and some unions.
  • Travel between work sites using your own vehicle, outwith the normal journey from home to your workplace.

And this is not an exhaustive list!

How do I claim an ICON member tax rebate?

To claim tax relief on your ICON membership fee you should submit a P87 form directly to HMRC either online or by post.

You can use our free tax relief for expenses of employment guide to find out more about what you can claim back and the best way to submit your tax rebate claim to HMRC.

When it comes to claiming tax relief, most taxpayers are put off by the complicated rules, time consuming paperwork and having to talk to HMRC. This leaves the Tax Office with a pot of overpaid tax that they owe back to you! Don’t let the process put you off reclaiming your money.


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