What can I claim a PE Teacher tax rebate for?

As a PE teacher you will usually have expenses because of your job meaning you can claim a tax rebate. It’s important to find out what you can claim for to make sure you claim back all you are entitled to.

A tax rebate for PE teachers can be claimed for the last four tax years and not just for the current year.

PE Teacher tax rebate for specialist clothing

Paying for your own sports kit can be a costly affair. You can claim tax relief on the cost of items which the tax office recognise as games kit.

For example:

  • Tracksuits, shorts, and footwear like trainers and football boots
  • Logoed jumpers, jackets and t-shirts

The tax office usually needs receipts showing what you have bought. We are successful in negotiating a reasonable amount without receipts. A typical claim is worth £200 per tax year.

PE Teachers uniform tax relief

If you have to pay for the upkeep of your specialist clothing like laundering costs, a flat rate expense of £60 per tax year can be claimed to cover the cost. You don’t need receipts to be eligible to claim for it.

PE Teachers professional fees

Most teachers have to pay membership into at least one professional body. Tax relief can be claimed for most major professional bodies and Unions like the NUT and NASUWT.

The other bodies PE teachers can claim a tax rebate for are:

  • British Association for Sport and Exercise (BASES)
  • Association for Physical Education (AfPE)

Use of home tax rebate

The tax office has agreed that a sum that can be claimed (without the need for receipts) if you have to use your own home for work purposes. The allowance will only be allowed in circumstance where it is necessary to work from home and not just convenient.

We are successful in negotiating that the allowance should be allowed in cases where there is:

  • An absence of fixed hours and duties are varied
  • Staff accommodation is overcrowded
  • Reference books have to be used for the preparation of classes and research

Saving tax in the future

By making a claim for a teacher tax rebate you should start paying less tax because your work related expenses will b reflected in your tax code. This can be quite a saving if you’re planning on being a PE teacher for a number of years.

How do I make a PE Teacher tax rebate claim?

You can use our teacher tax rebate guide to learn more about what else you can claim for as a teacher and how to start your claim by completing a P87 form.


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