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e-petition for Teachers Tax Relief

Teachers should get tax relief for job expenses – reducing the tax they pay.

We’ve set up an e-petition to help teachers get an agreed flat rate expense from HMRC, to help cover the cost of work related expenses.

Sign it here

Many teachers and education professionals have to buy specialist clothing to perform their contractual duties, and to meet the needs of the curriculum. An example would be a PE teacher who buys sports kit.

Only certain items qualify as specialist clothing for tax relief, for example a lab coat purchased by a Science teacher.

The vast majority of teachers will not be reimbursed the cost by their employers, meaning they have to meet the cost themselves, without help.

A basic flat rate expense worth £60 per year for the laundering of uniform and protective clothing currently can be applied, but this is not specific to the industry and in reality does not take into consideration the real costs incurred.

When compared to an Electrician who can claim £140 per year, the need becomes more obvious.

What is a flat rate expense?

A flat rate expense is an allowance agreed by HMRC for employees who have work related expenses. The flat rate expense exists to help cover the cost and maintenance of work related expenses without the need to provide receipts, and to make a claim each tax year. Lot’s of industries and professions already have an agreed flat rate expense which can be applied to your tax code, meaning you pay less tax.


The costs countless teachers incur because of their profession justifies a flat rate expense being agreed which is specific to their industry. The expenditure teachers have is not by choice, and is a necessity of their job. Often over worked and with salaries which don’t leave much money spare, a flat rate expense would give teachers some help and the tax relief they deserve.

Sign the teacher tax relief e-petition today 

You can find out more about teacher tax rebates here


Paul Donohoe

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