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Healthcare Worker Tax Rebate Story

Mrs Davies has been a district nurse for over 10 years. After a colleague of hers used Tax Rebate Services to claim back a healthcare worker tax rebate worth over £400, she contacted us to see how we could help her.

When emailing us Mrs Davies only thought she would be entitled to a uniform tax rebate, but after one email and one quick phone call we found out she could claim for using her own car for work when travelling to her clients, and Union fees into UNISON.

On hearing the good news she returned our easy claim forms and some information about her mileage. In a little over 10 weeks Mrs Davies got a healthcare worker tax rebate cheque of £1050.

For the future we told Mrs Davies to keep all mileage records and receipts for any food and refreshments she buys whilst out on the road visiting her clients. Not knowing an additional claim can be made for food and refreshments she’s keeping receipts which can be added to her mileage claim next year – meaning more money in her pocket.

The experience Mrs Davies had shows that checking what you can claim for is always the best option. It makes sure you don’t miss out on what you are legitimately entitled to.

Health workers tax rebate reasons

Healthcare workers can qualify for a tax rebate for some of the following reasons:

Are you the next Mrs Davies?

“I got in touch because my colleague told me about you and she got a tax rebate for laundering her own uniform, so I thought I would try it. You talked me through what I could claim for, and I got the forms the next day. My tax refund was for washing my uniform, UNISON fees but got more than I thought I would because I use my own car to visit clients in the community which I didn’t know I could claim for!”
Mrs Davies, Healthcare Worker, Received £1050 tax rebate


Tony Shanks

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