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BAOT Tax Relief

Are you a member of the British Association of Occupational Therapists?

You could be eligible to claim a tax rebate.

Wow – you do an amazing job and more than deserve that “badge of excellence”!

As you play a critical role enabling others to achieve their full potential, perhaps we can support your well-being by ensuring that you get all the legitimate tax relief you deserve. Claiming back the tax relief you are owed ensures you only pay the tax you need to.

The regulations apply to both NHS and private employees and your employer has nothing to do with the claim. Your tax affairs are private between you and HMRC and any money is claimed directly from the Tax Office.

BAOT membership tax relief 

You may already be aware that there is an agreement in place with the Tax Office which means that you can claim 75% tax relief on your BAOT membership subscription at whatever level you subscribe. This can be claimed back over 4 years and will result in a change in your tax code which means that you pay less tax in the future too.

How much is a BAOT tax rebate claim?

You are entitled to either 20% or 40% of your total job expenses depending on the rate of tax you pay. There is also a small interest supplement if you are making a back-dated claim.

Can Occupational Therapists claim a tax rebate for anything else?

There are a number of other tax reliefs that are successfully claimed for by our Occupational Therapist clients. The most common ones in your profession are:

I’ve claimed for my BAOT membership before is there any point claiming again?

Absolutely! If you have made a claim before we can check your tax code before starting a new one to ensure that you don’t waste any time claiming for monies that you are already receiving.

How do I make a BAOT tax rebate claim?

You will only get what you are entitled to if you make an official claim. At no point will any of this money be automatically returned to you from the government.

Our healthcare worker tax rebate guide will let you know what else you can claim for and how to claim your BAOT back from the tax office (HMRC).


Tony Shanks

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