What Are The Approved Mileage Allowance Payment Rates For Claiming Mileage?

If you are making a mileage claim you will need to know what the AMAP or approved mileage allowance payment rates are. The mileage rates are available to people who qualify for mileage tax relief because they use their own vehicle in the performance of their duties.

The tax relief given on mileage is to help cover the cost of journeys which have been carried out because of work duties. A claim for mileage can be made for the last four tax years. The AMAP rates were lower before the 2010-2011 tax years.

Mileage Allowance Rates


Approved Mileage Allowance Payments

Car –     

£0.45p per mile up to 10,000 miles (.25p over 10,000 miles)

Passenger’s mileage allowance rate –

£0.05p per passenger per business mile   

Motorcycle –     

£0.24p per mile

Bicycle –    

£0.20p per mile

Not claiming back the correct mileage allowance rates will mean that you will either claim back too much or too little mileage tax relief. Being aware that if you are paid a mileage allowance by your employer is important.

Some employers pay a mileage allowance which is untaxed and some untaxed. If the mileage allowance is untaxed the full amount you are paid should be taken off your mileage claim. Being paid a taxed mileage allowance normally means you can still claim the total approved mileage allowance payments.

How To Claim Mileage Tax Relief…

To claim mileage tax relief you should have records and begin the process of claiming a mileage refund via a P87 form or a self assessment tax return.

You can use our free mileage tax rebate guide for further information on what you can claim back and how to submit your claim to the tax office.


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