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BAOT Members Tax Relief

If you are a BAOT member (British Association of Occupational Therapists) you will be entitled to apply for up to 75% tax relief on your annual BAOT subscription fee.

The BAOT have agreed with HMRC that 75% of the the annual subscription will be eligible for tax relief. A claim for tax relief on your BAOT membership fees can be backdated for the last four tax years.

How do I make a claim for my BOAT membership?

If you complete a self assessment tax return you will need to enter your subscription total in the relevant box to be given the tax relief. You must make sure you only claim back 75% of your total fee unless the tax relief given will be incorrect. If you have already completed a tax return, and not included your membership fee a claim can still be made by way of an amendment to the tax return.

If you don’t complete a tax return a claim can be made in writing or online via a form P87.

What else can Occupational Therapists claim for?

Other expenses incurred because of your job can be claimed for at the same time. These include:

How do I make a BOAT tax rebate claim?

You can use our free healthcare worker tax rebate guide to find out more about what you are entitled to and how to submit your BOAT tax rebate claim to HMRC on a P87 form or on your self assessment tax return.

A bit about the BAOT…

The benefits include up to 5 million insurance cover against any one claim for: Professional indemnity, professional liability and product liability.

Professional indemnity is a form of insurance that covers against claims of poor advice, omission or negligence in the course of a professional service. The insurance covers any claim made in the UK or the EU

BAOT membership automatically grants you liability insurance against a wide range of risks that might arise from the day to day professional service of Occupational Therapy. This covers BAOT members except for private practice work where the individual earns more than £1,500 in a given tax year.


Tony Shanks

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