How do I get my tax back?

How you get your tax back depends on your circumstances. The first thing to think about is why you are due tax back and then you can decide on how to get the tax back you are owed.

Understanding why you could be due to claim tax back from the UK is vital before you make a tax back claim. Knowing what you are entitled to claim for can mean you are due back more tax than you first thought especially when a claim can be made for the last four tax years.

Common reasons for being owed tax back are:

  • Left the UK tax back if you have left the UK in the last four tax years
  • Mileage tax back for using your own car for work reasons other than normal commuting
  • Professional fees tax relief for fees into professional bodies like the NUT, RCN and UNISON
  • Washing of uniform tax back for uniforms with a company logo
  • Tools tax back for most tools and equipment bought for work purposes

Many UK tax payers who are normally employed do not claim tax back on the cost of expenses they have incurred because of their jobs.

You can use our free income tax rebate and refund guides and income tax refund calculators to help you work out what you can claim tax back for and then how to claim it back.

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