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Tax Rebate – Am I Entitled?

The answer is, quite likely, “yes!” It is said that 1 in 3 tax payers in the UK could be entitled to a tax rebate for one reason or another.

It is crucial to ask yourself if you qualify for a tax rebate, because you will only receive one if you make the effort to claim.

It is wrong to assume that you will automatically be given a refund of tax and many taxpayers are simply unaware of what is available within HMRC’s regulations. Some people think that only the self employed can claim, which is untrue.

Take some time to see if YOU can answer “yes” to any of these – if you can, you could be owed some tax back from HMRC!

How far back can I claim? You can normally claim for the last four tax years.

Who can claim? Anyone could be entitled to claim for a tax rebate as long as you have paid tax in the year of a claim.

What do I need? What you need depends on your situation. Some claims only need your national insurance number when others need more in depth information such as a P45 or receipts.

How long does it take? It takes between 4-12 weeks on average, depending on the complexities of your claim.

If I Am Entitled How do I make a claim? You can make a claim yourself directly with HMRC (the tax office). This can be done via a P87 form or by completing a self assessment tax return.


Tony Shanks

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