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PAYE Tax Rebate Deadline

Claiming tax back for UK Non Residents - Tax Facts

Remember if you are looking to make a tax rebate claim under PAYE you can claim back tax for the last four tax years. That means that the deadline to make a claim under PAYE for the 2008-2009 tax year is fast approaching.

The deadline for any claim to be received for the 2008/2009 tax year is the 5th April 2013, which means if any tax rebate UK claim is received after that date it will not be accepted, and you will lose any tax rebate you were entitled to for that tax year.

PAYE Tax Rebate Deadline For 2008-2009 Tax Year

You might already know that you have until the 5th April 2013 to make a claim for 08/09 tax year and are going to make one soon, but if you didn’t know then considering what you need to do would be a good idea.

If a tax rebate claim is made for the 2008-2009 tax year and you have your P60 or any P45’s received in for that year, it is a good idea to keep them just in case HMRC need you to provide them at a later date to help complete your claim.

If you are a tax payer who has to submit a 2011-2012 self assessment tax return the deadline for the tax return to be submitted is even sooner – on the 31st January 2013.

So if you have to complete a tax return for that tax year it is important to submit the return online on time to avoid any late filing penalties.

Tony Shanks

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