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6 Ways to Switch Off After a Busy Day

It doesn’t matter if you’re self-employed, a teacher or a nurse, it can be difficult to detach yourself from work after a busy day. Switching off often seems impossible as you leave your mind at work, especially if you have a passion for your job. Switching off, however hard, is essential for your mental health. It also helps to maintain the relationships around you. Family members will feel happier if they receive 100% of your attention after a busy day, rather than competing for your attention.

Here are six ways to switch off after a busy day.

1. Choose a cut-off point

It can be tempting to answer emails into the small hours but you will rarely lose anything if you choose a cut off point. Employers and clients will understand if you stop answering emails or calls at 6pm, as they too understand the importance of switching off. Choose a time when you’ll put down your phone and leave the PC alone.

2. Have a routine

Everyone needs some time to adjust when leaving work. Whether you have ten minutes with a newspaper and a cup of tea, or you catch up on the days news in silence, you need some sort of routine to ease the transition between work and home life. Find out what helps you unwind and empty your mind after a busy day, and make sure you indulge regularly.

3. Get on top of your money matters

Having incomplete tasks at home it can add to stress and inhibit you from relaxing completely. If you’re like most of us money problems are never usually far away, with issues like credit and savings a big concern. Taking some time to review your money problems can help give you some peace of mind. Making sure your tax returns are up to date is also very important and the quicker you do it the quicker you can find out if you are entitled to a tax refund.

4. Invest in scents

Having a homely smell can help you unwind as soon as you enter your home. Essential oils are great for helping you to relax, whether you put them in a burner or place a few drops in the bath. Lavender oil and chamomile are the best for relaxation, while peppermint and orange will lift the spirits if you need a mood enhancer.

5. Prepare for the following day

When you return from work, spend ten minutes preparing for the day ahead. Whether that means making your lunch, or ironing clothes, it will help you relax knowing the tasks are done.

6. Make your bed

There have been a lot of studies into the psychological benefits of making your bed in the morning. Apparently completing that one task will encourage you to complete others. Returning home to a made bed is said to enhance happiness, as even if you live alone it makes you feel cared for. It’s worth a try?

We often forget that we work to live and don’t live to work. Many of us feel that we don’t deserve free time or time to relax and unwind. Taking the time to treat yourself, and to unwind after a busy day pays dividends in work and life, and reminds you of the simple things.


Tony Shanks

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