Site icon Tax Rebate Services

Can Doctors claim tax relief on MDU fees?

Doctors are eligible to claim tax relief on the yearly Medical Defence Union membership fee and this can be backdated for 4 years.

As a result of this process, your tax code will be adjusted to ensure that you carry on getting tax savings into the future.

MDU and other tax rebates

There are a number of extra job expenses that you need to pay for as part of your work as a medical professional. These costs are often eligible for tax relief;

I’ve made an MDU claim in the past, is it worth making a new claim?

Yes, you definitely shouldn’t just rule it out. But we can first check your tax code to make sure that your tax relief isn’t already accounted for by your tax code.

MDU tax rebate claim and your new tax code

Yes, you should receive a new tax code so that you continue to pay a smaller amount of tax in the future for as long as your circumstances remain the same.

Can I only claim for the current tax year?

No, we can make a backdated claim covering the last 4 tax years, even if you have worked for different employers during that time.

How much tax will I get for an MDU tax rebate claim?

Each case is worked out individually using the information you provide. The final amount is worked out quite simply; you get a rebate of either 20% or 40% of the total of your job expenses, depending on which rate of tax you pay. You also get a small amount of interest paid on previous years.

Does this claim affect my employer?

No, your tax affairs are a private matter between you and HMRC. Any rebate is claimed from the tax office directly, not from your employer.

How do I claim my MDU tax rebate?

To claim tax relief for your MDU subscription fees you should complete either a P87 form or include it on your self assessment tax return in the employment section of your return.

You can use our Doctors tax relief guide to find out more about what tax relief may be available to you and how to claim it back from HMRC.


Tony Shanks

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